Thursday, January 29, 2009

Week 3

Assignment-Business cards

Craft-I built the clown logo from scratch in photoshop. I started with a basic shape then I would warp or distort them to the general shape of whatever I wanted it to be. Then I went back and burned/dodged in the details. Once the clown logo was done the rest was somewhat easy. I just downloaded different brushes and fonts until I found ones that gave me the look I wanted.

Composition-I wanted to keep the composition equally interesting and simple, which is very difficult to achieve. I figured I would use limited colors except in the clown logo itself, and even then try to make it as un-complex as possible. I choose the name professional amateur because I am skilled in many different crafts but not skilled enough in any particular craft to consider myself a professional.

Concept-This is where it got tricky. I originally wanted the cards to somehow be interactive. My original idea was for the outside of the card to act as a sleeve where I would display my logo, and the inside of the card which contained all the information could slide out of the sleeve. This proved to be extremely difficult. After hours of measuring, cutting, taping, a whole reem of card stock, and about $25 worth of printing I decided I flew to close to the sun on this one, and will have to settle for a more simple solution. Unfortunately I spent entirely too much time on the functionality of the card and not enough time focusing on the design of the card itself. The design I was left with was week and the exact oppisite of what I hoped to acheive, so I took the whole project back to phase 1, only keeping the clown logo. I decided at this point that I would be willing to comprimise the "interactivity" of the card, but I refused to abandon my original idea of double sided printing. So after more measuring and printing I finally got the layout right, so after that it was just a matter of polishing it up. The end result isn't what I had originally hoped for, and if given the time I would like to revisit this, but what I'm left with is a functional sharp looking business card which still retains my personal style.

1 comment:

  1. Where's the logo? The above text would be more beneficial if there's an image that goes with it.
